Lokasi Geografis dan total area Probolinggo berlokasi antara 7'10 bujur Selatan dan 113'30 bujur Timur dengan total luas area 56,67 km2 terdiri dari low plain area, dan 2,500 m diatas permukaan laut. Hal inilah yang menjadi alasan mengapa daerah ini menjadi begitu produktif.
Probolinggo berbatasan dengan:
Utara: Selat Madura
Timur: Dringin sub-district, Probolinggo
Selatan: Leces and Sumberasih sub-districts, Probolinggo
Barat: Tongas sub-district, Probolinggo.
(the slope of Tengger Mountain Range, Mt. Lamongan, and Mt. Argopuro stretching from the west to the east).
Just because Probolinggo is located in a tropical area, the minimum temperature in this region is 27 C and the maximum is 32 C and so forth for the climates are rainy and dry seasons. During the dry season the wind blows strong, it is usually called 'angin gending' which blows on July, August, and September each year.
Administrative Area of Probolinggo Municipality Probolinggo is ruled by a Mayor with the are covers: 3 sub-districts, 14 villages in urban area and 16 villages in rural area.