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   Deskripsi  Kota Batu
Batu city 90 km south of Surabaya, a place for relaxation is probably the most attractive town in Java. It's a centre of educational activities, an industrial town and a city of tourism having several tourist attractions in its surrounding e.g. Wendit, Selecta, Sengkaling, Batu & Songgoriti, Sengkaling, Nongkojajar, Rambut Moyo Waterfall. As a centre of educational activities, it has a number of state universities and private academies. Large number of students from outside Malang come pouring into the city, which make the density of population of the city of Malang contrastly differs from the regency of Malang (500.000 & 2 million).

Malang is famously acknowledged as a place for rest and relaxation with its average temperature of 24.5 C. Located between mountains, during the Dutch occupation Malang was called as Switzerland of Indonesia. By the appearance of many rest area for the Dutch people in the city, the development seemed to grow obviously. The total area of this municipality covers 110,056 km2 and occupied by 750 thousands peoples and becoming the second biggest city in East Java after Surabaya.

The rapid growth of the development of the city is not only supported by its area and the number of population but its growth in many sectors such as education, industry, and tourism which is now becoming its motto/predicate: Malang as education, industry, and tourism city. The predicate is by no means to be based on something which is not related to its potential, but nowadays there which accommodate 130,000 students not including other institutions such as courses and others in similar to it. Even there is an available data states that there are more than 150,000 graduates graduated from all levels.

As a result, the development on education sector brings other good impacts to the people business related to educational and the youth, such as boarding houses, book stores and entertainment facilities. Based on an estimation which is apart from educational fund, the students spend Rp 18.85 billions per month or Rp 226.2 billion per year. The development of the city is also supported by the fast growth of its business activities. There are 3,000 companies, big and small, in Malang which was during the Kanjuruan Kingdom was ruled by the King Gajayana. Natural freshness and tourism destination around the city supports the tourism development, although it is not as famous as Borobudur and Bali the tourist arrival increases each year continuously.

In fact the fast growth of the city attracts some financial institution, for there are 30 banks and 35 insurance companies open their branches in this city, even there are banks and insurance companies have their central office in Malang. The success of the development and growth on education, industry and tourism appears obviously by the physical condition of the city which tends to grow splendidly by the appearance of shopping center buildings, hotels, campuses, and housing. The success which is not tangible is its public economical growth which increases 9% per year.

Makanan Khas

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   Tujuan Wisata
Batu, Selecta, Songgoriti, Mountain Resorts

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