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   Deskripsi  Kabupaten Ngawi
Monument of R.M. SURYO, the first governor of East Java, is about 2 hoursdrive from the town, 181 km, from Surabaya.Ngawi city as the government centre of the Regional Government of Ngawi Regency is situated 182 kilometers in the west of Surabaya, 80 kilometers in the east of Solo, Central Java, and 53 kilometers in the north of Madiun.

The Regional Government of Ngawi Regency constitutes one of the Regional Governments in East Java which lies in its boundary with Central Java, its total width is 129.598 hectares consisting of 51.386 hectares of rice field, 44.843 hectares of productive forest and the rest is functioned as field, dry field (dry field farming), plantation, land prepared for industrial area etc.

Topographically the region of Ngawi Regency is decorated with two big rivers and their stream, a large piece of lime mountain land, and a big piece of fertile mountain land and most of its region constitutes a big piece of fertile plains between the two mountains and rivers mentioned above.

The Solo river flows from west, confining the land of lime mountain in the region of North Ngawi (Kendeng mountain/Kapur Tengah, Mediterranean and Litosol type of land covers 35 % of Ngawi Region) with fertile plains extends in the central region of Ngawi (Grumoso land type), covers 43 % of Ngawi Region till it touches the foot of mount Lawu in the south west angle.

Madiun rivers flows from the south in the east side of Ngawi Region peviding the big piece of the fertile plains then it meets Solo rivers in the north-edst angle of Ngawi city then they flow together to the north towards the region of the Regional Government of Bojonegoro Regency. Along the two rivers, alluvial type of soil spreads as wide as 9 % of Ngawi Region and the rest of 13 % of its regions consists of Andosol, Latosol and Regosol types of land, which most of them are in the plain of Lawu mountain.

In the dry season the temperature in Ngawi is between 28 and 31 degrees Celsius, in the rainy season from 28 up to 30 degrees, except in the top slope of Lawu mountain, with sufficiently high humidity. Rain fall is between 1.500 milimeters/year (in Kendeng mountain ) and 2.600 milimeters/year (in the foot of Lawu mountain).

The potential of cultural attractions in Ngawi, besides offering the products of the art of its people which can be performed any time such as; reog dance, orek-orek dance, gaplik art, kecetan, the art of puppet playing, wood carting, calligraphy and many others, it also offers a special and historical cycle of life of the people, for instance the cycle of life which has a centre- in sugar production, busy life during planting and harvest seasons, the cycle of life along Solo and Madiun rived during the dry season, etc.

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