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   Deskripsi  Kabupaten Lamongan
As one of the second level regions of East Java Province, Lamongan district area covers 1,812. km2. Geographically Lamongan is located between 6' 51'54" - 7'23' 6" south latitude and 112 4' 4" - 112 33'12" east longitude as it is bordered on:

- the north: Java Sea
- the east : The District of Gresik
- the south: The Districts of Mojokerto and Jombang
- the west : The Districts of Tuban and Bojonegoro.

The region is separated by the river of Bengawan Solo into two parts by its total length about 65 km. So the condition of the land surface areas are varied according to its levels, where it is more than a half of the region (50.17 %) occupies the area of 0 - 25 m above the sea level and the rest of it occupies 25 - 100 m (45.68 m) and 100 m above (4.15 %).

The land area of this region can be classified according to its characteristics such as follows:
- The middle south part which is considered as relatively a fertile area,
- The south and north part which occupy mountainous and rocky areas and considerably have medium to low fertility level.
- The middle north area, which covers the flood-stricken and swamp areas.

The land utility of this region covers agricultural farming land area 806.09 km2 (44.63 %), 328.04 km2 (18.10 %) dry field area, 318.4 km2 (17.57 %) forest area, 142 km2 (7.84 %) housing and its facilities area, and for other interests which cover 214.99 km2 (11.86 %).

Makanan Khas

  Daftar Hotel di Kabupaten Lamongan

  Daftar Restoran di Kabupaten Lamongan

   Tujuan Wisata
Gua Maharani, Istana Putri nan Misterius

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