Geographical Location
Kediri District lies between 110o 47' 05" - 112o 18' 20" east longitude and 7o 36' 12" - 8o 00' 32" south latitude. The average of rainfall reaches 2,326 mm, and 110 days rain falling per annum. The average temperature reaches 22.420 ?C maximum and 21.08 ?C minimum. The highest level reaches 29 ?C, and the lowest level reaches 20 ?C.
The borders are:
North: Jombang and Nganjuk Districts
South: Tulung Agung and Blitar Districts
East: Malang and Jombang Districts
West: Nganjuk and Tulung Agung Districts.
Land Area
Kediri District covers the area of 1,386.05 km square = 138,605 hectares, lies between the plains and the mountains, and 35.07% (48,614 hectares) consists of paddy field and 64.93% (89,99 hectares) dry land. Focusing on the farm land, 73.3% of it is arranged by technical irrigation, 68% by semi technical, and 2.6% by water that depends on the rainfall. The dry land consists of 33.6% compound land, 30.8% dry land (Tegalan), 10.8% estate, 18.7% forest, and 6.1% other.
Kediri Regency consists of 4 sub regencies, 21 districts, 343 villages, 1 village administrative unit 2,763 RW (administrative hamlets) and 8,779 RT (neighborhood association). The sub regency in Ngadiluh supervises 5 district areas, that are Pare, Kandangan, Kepung Plosoklaten, Puncu, and Gurah. The sub regency in Papar supervises 5 district areas, that are Papar, Pagu, Kunjang, Plemahan, and Purwosari. The sub regency in Kediri supervises 5 district areas, that are Grogol, Gampengrejo, Mojo, Tarokan, and Semen.